The Demise of How RIM’s Actions Led to Its Untimely End

In 2011, Research In Motion (RIM), the company behind the once-popular BlackBerry smartphones, acquired, a promising startup that offered a cloud-based calendar and scheduling service. However, just two years later, was shut down, leaving many to question the role RIM played in its untimely demise. This article will delve into the factors that led to the downfall of and how RIM’s actions contributed to it.

The Acquisition of by RIM

In April 2011, RIM announced the acquisition of with the aim of integrating its innovative scheduling technology into the BlackBerry platform. At the time, had a user-friendly interface and a unique feature set that included the ability to sync with multiple calendar systems, making it a valuable addition to RIM’s portfolio.

Integration Challenges

Despite the initial optimism, the integration of into RIM’s ecosystem proved to be a challenging task. The two companies had different technological infrastructures and corporate cultures, which led to difficulties in merging the systems and teams. Furthermore, RIM was facing its own challenges at the time, including declining market share and financial instability, which likely diverted resources and attention away from

The Shutdown of

In December 2012, RIM announced that it would be shutting down The company stated that it was focusing on core enterprise offerings, suggesting that did not align with its strategic priorities. This decision left many users disappointed and forced to look for alternatives.

Did RIM Kill

While it’s clear that RIM’s acquisition and subsequent actions played a significant role in the demise of, it’s also important to consider the broader context. The tech industry is highly competitive and fast-paced, and many startups fail to survive in the long run, regardless of who owns them. However, RIM’s inability to successfully integrate and leverage its technology certainly contributed to its downfall.

Lessons Learned

The story of serves as a cautionary tale for startups considering acquisition offers. It’s crucial to ensure that the acquiring company has a clear plan for the startup’s technology and team, and the resources to execute it. For larger companies, it’s a reminder of the importance of thorough due diligence and strategic planning when acquiring smaller firms.

In conclusion, while RIM’s actions undoubtedly played a part in the demise of, the failure can also be attributed to broader industry challenges and integration issues. The story serves as a valuable lesson for both startups and established companies in the tech industry.